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Introduction of Mama C's Blog

Welcome to Mama C's Blog, where we will indulge into the world of motherhood, whether that be the amazing things related to it or the challenges that come with being a mother or parent. I am the voice behind this blog, I would say face, but I have chosen to keep my identity anonymous at the moment! lol #anonymous Writing hasn't always been my strongest gift, I was always the hands on or math girl, definitely not writing. Dealing with so much criticism growing up in regard to my writing skills and that it wasn't up to par for many of my teachers, instructors and those around me was really hard for me. It took me a very long time to accept and be willing to create this space and create a blog where I could deliver and provide valuable information and resources for many people. I kept trying to do every other outlet out there to deliver this information that I feel and believe I hold that would change so many people's live way beyond being a mother. Finally, I worked up enough courage in myself through constant prayer and self-teaching and I was able to create and develop this amazing blog site for all of you wonderful souls out there.

Long story short, I have had an interesting, rough, and amazing life! I am currently in my 20's with a beautiful little boy, who has helped me create and develop this business of mines. He is my motivation and push for everything in life and I am thankful for having him as my person and someone who constantly looks up to me and loves me 100% no matter what. I have been #blessed with an amazing opportunity through my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ to start this amazing journey. I have a crazy but amazing story that I would love to share through these post as well as providing you guys with resources and information in regard to anything mommy related, life, mental health, my journey to God, and so much more. I would love for you guys to come and interact with me and enjoy these posts as much as I enjoy creating them. Also, let us know how you guys feel, anything you guys would love to share, tips, or just need someone to talk too. We have an amazing section in our contact us to allow for you guys to connect and communicate with us! We will be posting Monday through Thursday at 8am MST!

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Breastfeeding is an amazing and wonderful journey to take with being a mother. I know there is a lot of talk about breastfeeding and how everyone kind of shuns people who do not breast feed their kids

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My name is MamaC! As I take this Journey that God has so graciously provided for me, I would love to bring you guys along on this wonderful journey I call Motherhood! Come joy this crazy, but amazing ride with me! XoXo C! 

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