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The Beauty that comes with Breastfeeding!

Breastfeeding is an amazing and wonderful journey to take with being a mother. I know there is a lot of talk about breastfeeding and how everyone kind of shuns people who do not breast feed their kids. However, a fed baby is better than a baby who is not. I am here today to discuss the journey I took with my son and I am currently taking with my son. Today I will discuss the wonderful and amazing things that came out of breastfeeding, while tomorrow I will discuss the challenges with breastfeeding. #Breastfeeding

Breastfeeding is a wonderful part of becoming a mother and being able to provide your child with all the nutrition they need to properly grow and thrive into the little humans that they do. They depend on their mothers for so much and being able to feed them is definitely one key aspect of motherhood. Yes there is formula, but nothing like the enriched and perfectly formulated breastmilk that comes from your body specifically for your child. Your body know when and how to produce the milk in the ways it needs to be so that your child is properly nurtured and getting the right formula to grow.

With breastfeeding you get to bond and grow a special relationship with your child, they learn to feel comfortable and connected to you on a different level. Breastfeeding is definitely a bonding experience and hits differently when your body is being used as their way of surviving and living a healthy life! Breastfeeding allows for you to also save so much money without having to costly buy formula, which is a lifesaver! #moneysaver On average parents are spending anywhere from $1,200 to $1,500 on formula in the first year, breastfeeding definitely helps save that cost for parents.

The benefits of breast milk is beyond amazing for your little baby. It provides your baby with so many possibilities in their lives. It allows for them to have all the proper nutrition that they need that formula can't quite give your child, as well as it helps them in the long run with fighting against infections and diseases. It allows for the baby to be provided with antibodies from their mom, which is #amazing! Being able to provide your child with antibodies towards something they themselves might not be able to fight off or get vaccinated with because they are too little. Breastfeeding is amazing and so beneficial for the babies and their futures ahead of them.

Breastfeeding is beautiful beyond imaginable, not only does it provide many nutritional and other benefits to your babies, but it also help mothers. Breastfeeding can help mothers with losing weight and the amount of blood you release, as well as it helps for your uterus to go back to normal more quickly. As well as breastfeeding helps mothers on a more emotional level, allowing for them to release happy/healthy hormones.

The benefits of breastfeeding are far beyond the common knowledge of the average person. I know myself personally didn’t know much about breast feeding or knew anyone who really breastfed. However, I was so determined to breastfeed my child that I obtain enough resources to ensure the best possible outcome with breastfeeding my child. I read books, watched videos, talked to people personally who had success with breastfeeding, and I consulted with the right professionals to ensure that I had a successful journey with breastfeeding. If you want it, it's totally possible to achieve. I strongly believe it is all about taking the proper steps to obtain the right information that can be useful. I don't think women get enough resources and understanding of breastfeeding far beyond the minimum of what it does for the babies and mothers. Breastfeeding is a wonderful and beautiful experience to take with your child and if you're blessed with the opportunity to breastfeed your child then that's amazing. Remember some breast milk is better than no breast milk, whether you tried two weeks or 2 years, it all matters. #breastfeeding#mommieswhobreastfeed #MamaC #Mommyblogger #beautiesofbreastfeeding

P.S. We are not discouraging mothers who formula feed their babies. We are just talking about the benefits of the breastfeeding and we believe the a baby who is healthy and fed is better than one who is not. Thank you! XoXo Mama C!

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My name is MamaC! As I take this Journey that God has so graciously provided for me, I would love to bring you guys along on this wonderful journey I call Motherhood! Come joy this crazy, but amazing ride with me! XoXo C! 

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