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When Expecting, Expect the Unexpected!

Babies are amazing! Each of them so uniquely created and different, so why wouldn’t pregnancy and how we do things be any different? When becoming pregnant or expecting your child, everything can be different and so unique from anyone you have ever known or anything you read or heard someone say. I experienced that myself, my pregnancy went so differently then anyone I know. I thought I had a rough morning pregnancy in regards to morning sickness until my sister got pregnant and got hit with it even worse and she was diagnosed with a condition that causes throwing up. Everyone goes through different pregnancy and what goes on and doesn’t go on. Some suffer from morning sickness, some from nausea, some from migraines and so on. I was hit with a mountain of bricks during my pregnancy. I didn’t think I would have such a rough pregnancy in the beginning. I was someone who never really suffered too bad from sickness, I could handle it and keep it moving. However, when I got pregnant with my son, it came in full force, so unexpected. I couldn’t eat nothing because I literally threw everything up, I couldn’t breathe because I had so much congestion, I lost a lot of weight due to throwing up constantly, and I also got hit with crazy amount of stretch marks on my belly.

Little story time! I remember having a hard time being able to drive during my pregnancy because I would puke so often without any warnings! I would have to carry bags with me everywhere to throw up in because it was so bad. It was totally unexpected and not what I imagined my pregnancy being like. Also throwing up in public restrooms is the grosses thing! 🤮

Besides having unexpected symptoms, I also didn’t expect to have a whole bunch of emotions. Yes, I know you can be hormonal, but I felt so much emotions of joy, happiness, as well as I was super emotional as in a cry baby lol #pregnancylife Literally anything so tiny and small would make me just bawl like it was the most emotional thing in the world. I also dealt with being sensitive and being overwhelmed from so much.

It almost feels like as soon as you become pregnant you have so many people judging and telling you how to live your life. How you should raise your kids and so on. It‘s crazy how three words “I am pregnant“ can change your life and how the people conduct themselves around you. Sometimes you lose friends, get called boring, told your life is over, people trying to dictate who you should and shouldn’t allow around your child, and so on. I feel the biggest unexpected thing I dealt with during my pregnancy was people being rude and not respecting your boundaries. I literally had someone blow smoke in my face and tell me it’s not harmful for my child as well as places of business refusing to let me pee even though I was noticeably pregnant.

Pregnancy is full of crazy, wonderful and unexpected things. Times will forever be different And Your life will be different indefinitely, but it’s an amazing unexpected experience and wonderful life to live! expecting the unexpected is what makes the journey more amazing and memorable, realizing that there will be unknowns along the way and being so open and willing to receive and learn from them. Don’t be afraid of the unexpected, Embrace It! Pregnancy is an amazing journey, just as amazing as motherhood. #unexpected #motherhood #pregnancy #lifechanging #blogger #mommy

Thank you guys for tuning in for another post! XoXo Mama C! ❤️

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My name is MamaC! As I take this Journey that God has so graciously provided for me, I would love to bring you guys along on this wonderful journey I call Motherhood! Come joy this crazy, but amazing ride with me! XoXo C! 

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